HSO en Qualicor Europe verlengen strategisch partnerschap

Health Standards Organisation en Qualicor Europe hebben met de ondertekening van een contract in London begin april het strategisch partnerschap verlengd. Hieronder lees je het gezamenlijke nieuwsbericht.

240429 Ondertekening Samenwerkingsovereenkomst HSO AC

Gezamenlijk bericht.

30 april 2024

Led by Katerina Tarasova, Executive Vice President of Global Market Development at HSO and Dr. Ellen Joan van Vliet, CEO of Qualicor Europe, this agreement sets ambitious new targets for the next six years, aimed at advancing safe and effective health care in the Netherlands, Belgium and beyond.

This renewal signifies a significant stride toward advancing connected and coordinated care globally, leveraging the Qmentum Global assessment program against HSO evidence-informed health services standards. Under the guidance Qualicor Europe, health care organizations will actively work toward meeting international standards of excellence and achieving accreditation through capacity building, education, and assessment initiatives.

"Through this strategic partnership, we aim to propel health care organizations toward excellence and ensure the highest standards of care across the region," said Katerina Tarasova, emphasizing the proactive approach driving this collaboration.

Driven by a shared commitment, Qualicor Europe has been supporting health care organizations alongside Accreditation Canada (AC), Health Assessment Europe (HAE) and HSO with integrated, coordinated, and people-centered care for the past twelve years.

"Health care organizations are under tremendous pressure to guarantee access to sustainable care. Through this unique partnership we combine the best available global knowledge with the exact right amount of local relevancy for our health care organizations to safely prepare for this challenge,” said Dr. Ellen Joan van Vliet.

Building upon past successes, AC, HSO and Qualicor Europe remain at the forefront of innovation, including the integration of technology to transform accreditation processes. With over 130 clients in the Netherlands and Belgium under Qualicor Europe's stewardship, the stage is set for a transformative journey towards further quality improvement in the region over the next six years.

As AC, HSO and Qualicor Europe embark on this collaborative journey with a more agile and responsive approach, they are committed to cultivating a culture of everyday excellence, ensuring that the pursuit of quality and safety remains an ongoing journey rather than a destination. Together, they stand poised to redefine the standards of health care excellence, paving the way for safer, more integrated care on a global scale.